1 <?php
2 /**
3  * wCMF - wemove Content Management Framework
4  * Copyright (C) 2005-2020 wemove digital solutions GmbH
5  *
6  * Licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
7  *
8  * See the LICENSE file distributed with this work for
9  * additional information.
10  */
35 /**
36  * NodeUnifiedRDBMapper maps Node objects to a relational database schema where each Node
37  * type has its own table.
38  * The wCMFGenerator uses this class as base class for all mappers.
39  *
40  * @author ingo herwig <>
41  */
42 abstract class NodeUnifiedRDBMapper extends AbstractRDBMapper {
44  const CACHE_KEY = 'mapper';
46  private $fkRelations = null;
48  /**
49  * @see RDBMapper::prepareForStorage()
50  */
51  protected function prepareForStorage(PersistentObject $object) {
52  $oldState = $object->getState();
54  // set primary key values
55  $oid = $object->getOID();
56  $ids = $oid->getId();
57  $pkNames = $this->getPkNames();
58  for($i=0, $count=sizeof($pkNames); $i<$count; $i++) {
59  // foreign keys don't get a new id
60  $pkName = $pkNames[$i];
61  if (!$this->isForeignKey($pkName)) {
62  $pkValue = $ids[$i];
63  // replace dummy ids with ids provided by the database sequence
64  if (ObjectId::isDummyId($pkValue)) {
65  $nextId = $this->getNextId();
66  $object->setValue($pkName, $nextId);
67  }
68  }
69  }
71  if ($oldState == PersistentObject::STATE_NEW) {
72  // set the sortkeys to the id value
73  if ($this->isSortable()) {
74  $value = join('', $object->getOID()->getId());
75  foreach ($this->getRelations() as $curRelationDesc) {
76  $sortkeyDef = $this->getSortkey($curRelationDesc->getOtherRole());
77  if ($sortkeyDef != null && $object->getValue($sortkeyDef['sortFieldName']) === null) {
78  $object->setValue($sortkeyDef['sortFieldName'], $value);
79  }
80  }
81  $sortkeyDef = $this->getSortkey();
82  if ($sortkeyDef != null && $object->getValue($sortkeyDef['sortFieldName']) === null) {
83  $object->setValue($sortkeyDef['sortFieldName'], $value);
84  }
85  }
86  }
88  // handle relations
89  if ($object instanceof Node) {
90  // added nodes
91  $addedNodes = $object->getAddedNodes();
92  foreach ($addedNodes as $role => $addedNodes) {
93  $relationDesc = $this->getRelation($role);
94  // for a many to one relation, we need to update the appropriate
95  // foreign key in the object
96  if ($relationDesc instanceof RDBManyToOneRelationDescription) {
97  // in a many to one only one parent is possible
98  // so we take the last oid
99  $parent = array_pop($addedNodes);
100  $poid = $parent->getOID();
101  if (ObjectId::isValid($poid)) {
102  // set the foreign key to the parent id value
103  $fkAttr = $this->getAttribute($relationDesc->getFkName());
104  $object->setValue($fkAttr->getName(), $poid->getFirstId());
105  }
106  }
107  elseif ($relationDesc instanceof RDBManyToManyRelationDescription) {
108  // in a many to many relation we have to create the relation object
109  // if it does not exist
110  $relatives = $object->getChildrenEx(null, $relationDesc->getOtherRole());
111  foreach ($relatives as $relative) {
112  // check if the relation already exists
113  $nmObjects = $this->loadRelationObjects(PersistentObjectProxy::fromObject($object),
114  PersistentObjectProxy::fromObject($relative), $relationDesc, true);
115  if (sizeof($nmObjects) == 0) {
116  $thisEndRelation = $relationDesc->getThisEndRelation();
117  $otherEndRelation = $relationDesc->getOtherEndRelation();
118  $nmType = $thisEndRelation->getOtherType();
119  $nmObj = $this->persistenceFacade->create($nmType);
120  // add the parent nodes to the many to many object, don't
121  // update the other side of the relation, because there may be no
122  // relation defined to the many to many object
123  $nmObj->addNode($object, $thisEndRelation->getThisRole(), true, false, false);
124  $nmObj->addNode($relative, $otherEndRelation->getOtherRole(), true, false, false);
125  }
126  }
127  }
128  }
130  // deleted nodes
131  $deletedNodes = $object->getDeletedNodes();
132  foreach ($deletedNodes as $role => $oids) {
133  $relationDesc = $this->getRelation($role);
134  // for a many to one relation, we need to update the appropriate
135  // foreign key in the object
136  if ($relationDesc instanceof RDBManyToOneRelationDescription) {
137  // in a many to one only one parent is possible
138  // so we take the last oid
139  $poid = array_pop($oids);
140  if (ObjectId::isValid($poid)) {
141  // set the foreign key to null
142  $fkAttr = $this->getAttribute($relationDesc->getFkName());
143  $object->setValue($fkAttr->getName(), null);
144  }
145  }
146  elseif ($relationDesc instanceof RDBManyToManyRelationDescription) {
147  // in a many to many relation we have to delete the relation object
148  // if it does exist
149  foreach ($oids as $relativeOid) {
150  // check if the relation exists
151  $nmObjects = $this->loadRelationObjects(PersistentObjectProxy::fromObject($object),
152  new PersistentObjectProxy($relativeOid), $relationDesc);
153  foreach ($nmObjects as $nmObj) {
154  // delete the relation
155  $nmObj->delete();
156  }
157  }
158  }
159  }
161  // changed order
162  $nodeOrder = $object->getNodeOrder();
163  if ($nodeOrder != null) {
164  $containerMapper = $object->getMapper();
165  $orderedList = $nodeOrder['ordered'];
166  $movedList = $nodeOrder['moved'];
167  $movedLookup = $movedList != null ? array_reduce($movedList, function($result, $item) {
168  $result[$item->getOID()->__toString()] = true;
169  return $result;
170  }, []) : [];
171  $role = $nodeOrder['role'];
172  $defaultRelationDesc = $role != null ? $containerMapper->getRelation($role) : null;
173  for ($i=0, $count=sizeof($orderedList); $i<$count; $i++) {
174  $orderedNode = $orderedList[$i];
176  // check if node is repositioned
177  if ($movedList == null || isset($movedLookup[$orderedNode->getOID()->__toString()])) {
179  // determine the sortkey regarding the container object
180  $relationDesc = $defaultRelationDesc != null ? $defaultRelationDesc :
181  $object->getNodeRelation($orderedNode);
182  $sortkeyDef = $orderedNode->getMapper()->getSortkey($relationDesc->getThisRole());
183  $sortkey = $sortkeyDef['sortFieldName'];
184  $sortNode = $this->getSortableObject(PersistentObjectProxy::fromObject($object),
185  PersistentObjectProxy::fromObject($orderedNode), $relationDesc);
187  // get previous sortkey value
188  $prevValue = null;
189  if ($i > 0) {
190  $prevNode = $orderedList[$i-1];
191  $relationDescPrev = $defaultRelationDesc != null ? $defaultRelationDesc :
192  $object->getNodeRelation($prevNode);
193  $sortkeyDefPrev = $prevNode->getMapper()->getSortkey($relationDescPrev->getThisRole());
194  $sortdirPrev = strtoupper($sortkeyDefPrev['sortDirection']);
195  $prevSortNode = $this->getSortableObject(PersistentObjectProxy::fromObject($object),
196  PersistentObjectProxy::fromObject($prevNode), $relationDesc);
197  $prevValue = $prevSortNode->getValue($sortkeyDefPrev['sortFieldName']);
198  }
200  // get next sortkey value
201  $nextValue = null;
202  if ($i < $count-1) {
203  $nextNode = $orderedList[$i+1];
204  $relationDescNext = $defaultRelationDesc != null ? $defaultRelationDesc :
205  $object->getNodeRelation($nextNode);
206  $sortkeyDefNext = $nextNode->getMapper()->getSortkey($relationDescNext->getThisRole());
207  $sortdirNext = strtoupper($sortkeyDefNext['sortDirection']);
208  $nextSortNode = $this->getSortableObject(PersistentObjectProxy::fromObject($object),
209  PersistentObjectProxy::fromObject($nextNode), $relationDesc);
210  $nextValue = $nextSortNode->getValue($sortkeyDefNext['sortFieldName']);
211  }
213  // set edge values
214  if ($prevValue == null) {
215  $prevValue = ceil($sortdirNext == 'ASC' ? $nextValue-1 : $nextValue+1);
216  }
217  if ($nextValue == null) {
218  $nextValue = ceil($sortdirPrev == 'ASC' ? $prevValue+1 : $prevValue-1);
219  }
221  // set the sortkey value to the average
222  $sortNode->setValue($sortkey, ($nextValue+$prevValue)/2);
223  }
224  }
225  }
226  }
227  $object->setState($oldState);
228  }
230  /**
231  * @see RDBMapper::getSelectSQL()
232  */
233  public function getSelectSQL($criteria=null, $alias=null, $attributes=null, $orderby=null, PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null, $queryId=null) {
234  // use own query id, if none is given
235  $queryId = $queryId == null ? $this->getCacheKey($alias, $attributes, $criteria, $orderby, $pagingInfo) : $queryId;
237  $selectStmt = SelectStatement::get($this, $queryId);
238  if (!$selectStmt->isCached()) {
239  // initialize the statement
241  // table
242  $tableName = $this->getRealTableName();
243  if ($alias != null) {
244  $selectStmt->from([$alias => $tableName]);
245  $tableName = $alias;
246  }
247  else {
248  $selectStmt->from($tableName);
249  }
251  // columns
252  $this->addColumns($selectStmt, $tableName, $attributes);
254  // condition
255  $parameters = $this->addCriteria($selectStmt, $criteria, $tableName);
257  // order
258  $this->addOrderBy($selectStmt, $orderby, $this->getType(), $tableName, $this->getDefaultOrder());
260  // limit
261  if ($pagingInfo != null) {
262  $selectStmt->limit($pagingInfo->getPageSize());
263  }
264  }
265  else {
266  // on used statements only set parameters
267  $tableName = $alias != null ? $alias : $this->getRealTableName();
268  $parameters = $this->getParameters($criteria, $tableName);
269  }
271  // set parameters
272  $selectStmt->setParameters($parameters);
274  // always update offset, since it's most likely not contained in the cache id
275  if ($pagingInfo != null) {
276  $selectStmt->offset($pagingInfo->getOffset());
277  }
278  return $selectStmt;
279  }
281  /**
282  * @see RDBMapper::getRelationSelectSQL()
283  */
284  protected function getRelationSelectSQL(array $otherObjectProxies,
285  $otherRole, $criteria=null, $orderby=null, PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null) {
286  $relationDescription = $this->getRelationIncludingNM($otherRole);
287  if ($relationDescription instanceof RDBManyToOneRelationDescription) {
288  return $this->getManyToOneRelationSelectSQL($relationDescription,
289  $otherObjectProxies, $otherRole, $criteria, $orderby, $pagingInfo);
290  }
291  elseif ($relationDescription instanceof RDBOneToManyRelationDescription) {
292  return $this->getOneToManyRelationSelectSQL($relationDescription,
293  $otherObjectProxies, $otherRole, $criteria, $orderby, $pagingInfo);
294  }
295  elseif ($relationDescription instanceof RDBManyToManyRelationDescription) {
296  return $this->getManyToManyRelationSelectSQL($relationDescription,
297  $otherObjectProxies, $otherRole, $criteria, $orderby, $pagingInfo);
298  }
299  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown RelationDescription for role: ".$otherRole);
300  }
302  /**
303  * Get the statement for selecting a many-to-one relation
304  * @see RDBMapper::getRelationSelectSQL()
305  */
306  protected function getManyToOneRelationSelectSQL(RelationDescription $relationDescription,
307  array $otherObjectProxies, $otherRole, $criteria=null, $orderby=null,
308  PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null) {
309  $thisAttr = $this->getAttribute($relationDescription->getFkName());
310  $tableName = $this->getRealTableName();
312  // id parameters
313  $parameters = [];
314  $idPlaceholder = ':'.$tableName.'_'.$thisAttr->getName();
315  for ($i=0, $count=sizeof($otherObjectProxies); $i<$count; $i++) {
316  $dbid = $otherObjectProxies[$i]->getValue($relationDescription->getIdName());
317  if ($dbid === null) {
318  $dbid = SQLConst::NULL();
319  }
320  $parameters[$idPlaceholder.$i] = $dbid;
321  }
323  // statement
324  $selectStmt = $this->getRelationStatement($thisAttr, $parameters,
325  $otherObjectProxies, $otherRole, $criteria, $orderby, $pagingInfo);
326  return [$selectStmt, $relationDescription->getIdName(), $relationDescription->getFkName()];
327  }
329  /**
330  * Get the statement for selecting a one-to-many relation
331  * @see RDBMapper::getRelationSelectSQL()
332  */
333  protected function getOneToManyRelationSelectSQL(RelationDescription $relationDescription,
334  array $otherObjectProxies, $otherRole, $criteria=null, $orderby=null,
335  PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null) {
336  $thisAttr = $this->getAttribute($relationDescription->getIdName());
337  $tableName = $this->getRealTableName();
339  // id parameters
340  $parameters = [];
341  $idPlaceholder = ':'.$tableName.'_'.$thisAttr->getName();
342  for ($i=0, $count=sizeof($otherObjectProxies); $i<$count; $i++) {
343  $fkValue = $otherObjectProxies[$i]->getValue($relationDescription->getFkName());
344  if ($fkValue === null) {
345  $fkValue = SQLConst::NULL();
346  }
347  $parameters[$idPlaceholder.$i] = $fkValue;
348  }
350  // statement
351  $selectStmt = $this->getRelationStatement($thisAttr, $parameters,
352  $otherObjectProxies, $otherRole, $criteria, $orderby, $pagingInfo);
353  return [$selectStmt, $relationDescription->getFkName(), $relationDescription->getIdName()];
355  }
357  /**
358  * Get the select statement for a many-to-one or one-to-many relation.
359  * This method is the common part used in both relations.
360  * @see RDBMapper::getRelationSelectSQL()
361  */
362  protected function getRelationStatement($thisAttr, $parameters,
363  array $otherObjectProxies, $otherRole,
364  $criteria=null, $orderby=null, PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null) {
365  $queryId = $this->getCacheKey($otherRole.sizeof($otherObjectProxies), null, $criteria, $orderby, $pagingInfo);
366  $tableName = $this->getRealTableName();
367  $selectStmt = SelectStatement::get($this, $queryId);
368  if (!$selectStmt->isCached()) {
369  // initialize the statement
370  $selectStmt->from($tableName, '');
371  $this->addColumns($selectStmt, $tableName);
372  $selectStmt->where($this->quoteIdentifier($tableName).'.'.
373  $this->quoteIdentifier($thisAttr->getColumn()).' IN('.join(',', array_keys($parameters)).')');
374  // order
375  $this->addOrderBy($selectStmt, $orderby, $this->getType(), $tableName, $this->getDefaultOrder($otherRole));
376  // additional conditions
377  $parameters = array_merge($parameters, $this->addCriteria($selectStmt, $criteria, $tableName));
378  // limit
379  if ($pagingInfo != null) {
380  $selectStmt->limit($pagingInfo->getPageSize());
381  }
382  }
383  else {
384  // on used statements only set parameters
385  $parameters = array_merge($parameters, $this->getParameters($criteria, $tableName));
386  }
388  // set parameters
389  $selectStmt->setParameters($parameters);
391  // always update offset, since it's most likely not contained in the cache id
392  if ($pagingInfo != null) {
393  $selectStmt->offset($pagingInfo->getOffset());
394  }
395  return $selectStmt;
396  }
398  /**
399  * Get the statement for selecting a many-to-many relation
400  * @see RDBMapper::getRelationSelectSQL()
401  */
402  protected function getManyToManyRelationSelectSQL(RelationDescription $relationDescription,
403  array $otherObjectProxies, $otherRole, $criteria=null, $orderby=null,
404  PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null) {
405  $thisRelationDesc = $relationDescription->getThisEndRelation();
406  $otherRelationDesc = $relationDescription->getOtherEndRelation();
407  $nmMapper = self::getMapper($thisRelationDesc->getOtherType());
408  $otherFkAttr = $nmMapper->getAttribute($otherRelationDesc->getFkName());
409  $nmTableName = $nmMapper->getRealTableName();
411  // id parameters
412  $parameters = [];
413  $idPlaceholder = ':'.$nmTableName.'_'.$otherFkAttr->getName();
414  for ($i=0, $count=sizeof($otherObjectProxies); $i<$count; $i++) {
415  $dbid = $otherObjectProxies[$i]->getValue($otherRelationDesc->getIdName());
416  if ($dbid === null) {
417  $dbid = SQLConst::NULL();
418  }
419  $parameters[$idPlaceholder.$i] = $dbid;
420  }
422  // statement
423  $queryId = $this->getCacheKey($otherRole.sizeof($otherObjectProxies), null, $criteria, $orderby, $pagingInfo);
424  $selectStmt = SelectStatement::get($this, $queryId);
425  if (!$selectStmt->isCached()) {
426  // initialize the statement
428  $thisFkAttr = $nmMapper->getAttribute($thisRelationDesc->getFkName());
429  $thisIdAttr = $this->getAttribute($thisRelationDesc->getIdName());
431  $tableName = $this->getRealTableName();
432  $selectStmt->from($tableName, '');
433  $this->addColumns($selectStmt, $tableName);
434  $joinCond = $nmTableName.'.'.$thisFkAttr->getColumn().'='.$tableName.'.'.$thisIdAttr->getColumn();
435  $joinColumns = [];
436  $selectStmt->where($this->quoteIdentifier($nmTableName).'.'.
437  $this->quoteIdentifier($otherFkAttr->getColumn()).' IN('.join(',', array_keys($parameters)).')');
438  // order (in this case we use the order of the many to many objects)
439  $nmSortDefs = $nmMapper->getDefaultOrder($otherRole);
440  $hasNmOrder = sizeof($nmSortDefs) > 0;
441  $orderType = $hasNmOrder ? $nmMapper->getType() : $this->getType();
442  $orderTable = $hasNmOrder ? $nmTableName : $tableName;
443  $defaultOrderDef = $hasNmOrder ? $nmSortDefs : $this->getDefaultOrder($otherRole);
444  $this->addOrderBy($selectStmt, $orderby, $orderType, $orderTable, $defaultOrderDef);
445  foreach($nmSortDefs as $nmSortDef) {
446  // add the sort attribute from the many to many object
447  $nmSortAttributeDesc = $nmMapper->getAttribute($nmSortDef['sortFieldName']);
448  $joinColumns[$nmSortAttributeDesc->getName()] = $nmSortAttributeDesc->getColumn();
449  }
450  // add proxy id
451  $joinColumns[self::INTERNAL_VALUE_PREFIX.'id'] = $otherFkAttr->getColumn();
452  $selectStmt->join($nmTableName, $joinCond, $joinColumns);
453  // additional conditions
454  $parameters = array_merge($parameters, $this->addCriteria($selectStmt, $criteria, $nmTableName));
455  // limit
456  if ($pagingInfo != null) {
457  $selectStmt->limit($pagingInfo->getPageSize());
458  }
459  }
460  else {
461  // on used statements only set parameters
462  $parameters = array_merge($parameters, $this->getParameters($criteria, $nmTableName));
463  }
465  // set parameters
466  $selectStmt->setParameters($parameters);
468  // always update offset, since it's most likely not contained in the cache id
469  if ($pagingInfo != null) {
470  $selectStmt->offset($pagingInfo->getOffset());
471  }
472  return [$selectStmt, $otherRelationDesc->getIdName(), self::INTERNAL_VALUE_PREFIX.'id'];
473  }
475  /**
476  * @see RDBMapper::getInsertSQL()
477  */
478  protected function getInsertSQL(PersistentObject $object) {
479  // get the attributes to store
480  $values = $this->convertValuesForStorage($this->getPersistentValues($object));
482  // operations
483  $insertOp = new InsertOperation($this->getType(), $values);
484  $operations = [$insertOp];
485  return $operations;
486  }
488  /**
489  * @see RDBMapper::getUpdateSQL()
490  */
491  protected function getUpdateSQL(PersistentObject $object) {
492  // get the attributes to store
493  $values = $this->convertValuesForStorage($this->getPersistentValues($object));
495  // primary key definition
496  $pkCriteria = $this->createPKCondition($object->getOID());
498  // operations
499  $updateOp = new UpdateOperation($this->getType(), $values, $pkCriteria);
500  $operations = [$updateOp];
501  return $operations;
502  }
504  /**
505  * @see RDBMapper::getDeleteSQL()
506  */
507  protected function getDeleteSQL(ObjectId $oid) {
508  // primary key definition
509  $pkCriteria = $this->createPKCondition($oid);
511  // operations
512  $deleteOp = new DeleteOperation($this->getType(), $pkCriteria);
513  $operations = [$deleteOp];
514  return $operations;
515  }
517  /**
518  * Add the columns to a given select statement.
519  * @param $selectStmt The select statement (instance of SelectStatement)
520  * @param $tableName The table name
521  * @param $attributes Array of attribute names (optional)
522  * @return SelectStatement
523  */
524  protected function addColumns(SelectStatement $selectStmt, $tableName, $attributes=null) {
525  // columns
526  $attributeDescs = $this->getAttributes();
527  $columns = [];
528  foreach($attributeDescs as $curAttributeDesc) {
529  $name = $curAttributeDesc->getName();
530  if (($attributes == null || in_array($name, $attributes)) && $curAttributeDesc instanceof RDBAttributeDescription) {
531  $columns[$curAttributeDesc->getName()] = $curAttributeDesc->getColumn();
532  }
533  }
534  $selectStmt->columns($columns, true);
536  // references
537  $selectStmt = $this->addReferences($selectStmt, $tableName);
538  return $selectStmt;
539  }
541  /**
542  * Add the columns and joins to select references to a given select statement.
543  * @param $selectStmt The select statement (instance of SelectStatement)
544  * @param $tableName The name for this table (the alias, if used).
545  * @return SelectStatement
546  */
547  protected function addReferences(SelectStatement $selectStmt, $tableName) {
548  // collect all references first
549  $references = [];
550  foreach($this->getReferences() as $curReferenceDesc) {
551  $referencedType = $curReferenceDesc->getOtherType();
552  $referencedValue = $curReferenceDesc->getOtherName();
553  $relationDescs = $this->getRelationsByType($referencedType);
554  // get relation try role name if ambiguous
555  $relationDesc = sizeof($relationDescs) == 1 ? $relationDescs[0] : $this->getRelation($referencedType);
556  $otherMapper = self::getMapper($relationDesc->getOtherType());
557  if ($otherMapper) {
558  $otherTable = $otherMapper->getRealTableName();
559  $otherAttributeDesc = $otherMapper->getAttribute($referencedValue);
560  if ($otherAttributeDesc instanceof RDBAttributeDescription) {
561  // set up the join definition if not already defined
562  if (!isset($references[$otherTable])) {
563  $references[$otherTable] = [];
564  $references[$otherTable]['attributes'] = [];
566  $tableNameQ = $tableName;
567  $otherTableQ = $otherTable.'Ref';
569  // determine the join condition
570  if ($relationDesc instanceof RDBManyToOneRelationDescription) {
571  // reference from parent
572  $thisAttrNameQ = $this->getAttribute($relationDesc->getFkName())->getColumn();
573  $otherAttrNameQ = $otherMapper->getAttribute($relationDesc->getIdName())->getColumn();
574  $additionalCond = "";
575  }
576  else if ($relationDesc instanceof RDBOneToManyRelationDescription) {
577  // reference from child
578  $thisAttrNameQ = $this->getAttribute($relationDesc->getIdName())->getColumn();
579  $otherAttrNameQ = $otherMapper->getAttribute($relationDesc->getFkName())->getColumn();
580  $otherPkNames = $otherMapper->getPkNames();
581  $otherPkNameQ = $otherMapper->getAttribute($otherPkNames[0])->getColumn();
582  $additionalCond = " AND ".$otherTableQ.".".$otherPkNameQ.
583  " = (SELECT MIN(".$otherTableQ.".".$otherPkNameQ.") FROM ".$otherTableQ.
584  " WHERE ".$otherTableQ.".".$otherAttrNameQ."=".$tableNameQ.".".$thisAttrNameQ.")";
585  }
586  $joinCond = $tableNameQ.".".$thisAttrNameQ."=".$otherTableQ.".".$otherAttrNameQ;
587  if (strlen($additionalCond) > 0) {
588  $joinCond = "(".$joinCond.$additionalCond.")";
589  }
590  $references[$otherTable]['joinCond'] = $joinCond;
591  }
593  // add the attributes
594  $references[$otherTable]['attributes'][$curReferenceDesc->getName()] = $otherAttributeDesc->getColumn();
595  }
596  }
597  }
598  // add references from each referenced table
599  foreach($references as $otherTable => $curReference) {
600  $selectStmt->join([$otherTable.'Ref' => $otherTable], $curReference['joinCond'],
601  $curReference['attributes'], SelectStatement::JOIN_LEFT);
602  }
603  return $selectStmt;
604  }
606  /**
607  * Add the given criteria to the select statement
608  * @param $selectStmt The select statement (instance of SelectStatement)
609  * @param $criteria An array of Criteria instances that define conditions on the object's attributes (maybe null)
610  * @param $tableName The table name
611  * @return Array of placeholder/value pairs
612  */
613  protected function addCriteria(SelectStatement $selectStmt, $criteria, $tableName) {
614  $parameters = [];
615  if ($criteria != null) {
616  foreach ($criteria as $criterion) {
617  if ($criterion instanceof Criteria) {
618  $placeholder = ':'.$tableName.'_'.$criterion->getAttribute();
619  list($criteriaCondition, $criteriaPlaceholder) =
620  $this->renderCriteria($criterion, $placeholder, $tableName);
621  $selectStmt->where($criteriaCondition, $criterion->getCombineOperator());
622  if ($criteriaPlaceholder) {
623  $value = $criterion->getValue();
624  if (is_array($criteriaPlaceholder)) {
625  $parameters = array_merge($parameters, array_combine($criteriaPlaceholder, $value));
626  }
627  else {
628  $parameters[$criteriaPlaceholder] = $value;
629  }
630  }
631  }
632  else {
633  throw new IllegalArgumentException("The select condition must be an instance of Criteria");
634  }
635  }
636  }
637  return $parameters;
638  }
640  /**
641  * Add the given order to the select statement
642  * @param $selectStmt The select statement (instance of SelectStatement)
643  * @param $orderby An array holding names of attributes to order by, maybe appended with 'ASC', 'DESC' (maybe null)
644  * @param $orderType The type that define the attributes in orderby (maybe null)
645  * @param $aliasName The table alias name to be used (maybe null)
646  * @param $defaultOrder The default order definition to use, if orderby is null (@see PersistenceMapper::getDefaultOrder())
647  */
648  protected function addOrderBy(SelectStatement $selectStmt, $orderby, $orderType, $aliasName, $defaultOrder) {
649  if ($orderby == null) {
650  $orderby = [];
651  // use default ordering
652  if ($defaultOrder && sizeof($defaultOrder) > 0) {
653  foreach ($defaultOrder as $orderDef) {
654  $orderby[] = $orderDef['sortFieldName']." ".$orderDef['sortDirection'];
655  $orderType = $orderDef['sortType'];
656  }
657  }
658  }
659  for ($i=0, $count=sizeof($orderby); $i<$count; $i++) {
660  $curOrderBy = $orderby[$i];
661  $orderByParts = preg_split('/ /', $curOrderBy);
662  $orderAttribute = $orderByParts[0];
663  $orderDirection = sizeof($orderByParts) > 1 ? $orderByParts[1] : 'ASC';
664  if (strpos($orderAttribute, '.') > 0) {
665  // the type is included in the attribute
666  $orderAttributeParts = preg_split('/\./', $orderAttribute);
667  $orderAttribute = array_pop($orderAttributeParts);
668  }
669  $mapper = $orderType != null ? self::getMapper($orderType) : $this;
670  $orderAttributeDesc = $mapper->getAttribute($orderAttribute);
671  if ($orderAttributeDesc instanceof ReferenceDescription) {
672  // add the referenced column without table name
673  $mapper = self::getMapper($orderAttributeDesc->getOtherType());
674  $orderAttributeDesc = $mapper->getAttribute($orderAttributeDesc->getOtherName());
675  $orderColumnName = $orderAttributeDesc->getColumn();
676  }
677  elseif ($orderAttributeDesc instanceof TransientAttributeDescription) {
678  // skip, because no column exists
679  continue;
680  }
681  else {
682  // add the column with table name
683  $tableName = $aliasName != null ? $aliasName : $mapper->getRealTableName();
684  $orderColumnName = $tableName.'.'.$orderAttributeDesc->getColumn();
685  }
686  $selectStmt->order([$orderColumnName.' '.$orderDirection]);
687  }
688  }
690  /**
691  * Get an array of placeholder/value pairs
692  * @param $criteria An array of Criteria instances that define conditions on the object's attributes (maybe null)
693  * @param $tableName The table name
694  * @return Array of placeholder/value pairs
695  */
696  protected function getParameters($criteria, $tableName) {
697  $parameters = [];
698  if ($criteria != null) {
699  foreach ($criteria as $criterion) {
700  if ($criterion instanceof Criteria) {
701  $placeholder = ':'.$tableName.'_'.$criterion->getAttribute();
702  list($criteriaCondition, $criteriaPlaceholder) = $this->renderCriteria($criterion, $placeholder, '', '');
703  if ($criteriaPlaceholder) {
704  $value = $criterion->getValue();
705  if (is_array($criteriaPlaceholder)) {
706  $parameters = array_merge($parameters, array_combine($criteriaPlaceholder, $value));
707  }
708  else {
709  $parameters[$criteriaPlaceholder] = $value;
710  }
711  }
712  }
713  else {
714  throw new IllegalArgumentException("The select condition must be an instance of Criteria");
715  }
716  }
717  }
718  return $parameters;
719  }
721  /**
722  * Get an associative array of attribute name-value pairs to be stored for a
723  * given oject (references are not included)
724  * @param $object The PeristentObject.
725  * @return Associative array
726  */
727  protected function getPersistentValues(PersistentObject $object) {
728  $values = [];
730  // attribute definitions
731  $attributeDescs = $this->getAttributes();
732  foreach($attributeDescs as $curAttributeDesc) {
733  if ($curAttributeDesc instanceof RDBAttributeDescription) {
734  // add only attributes that are defined in the object
735  $attribName = $curAttributeDesc->getName();
736  //if ($object->hasValue($attribName)) {
737  $values[$attribName] = $object->getValue($attribName);
738  //}
739  }
740  }
741  return $values;
742  }
744  /**
745  * Convert values before putting into storage
746  * @param $values Associative Array
747  * @return Associative Array
748  */
749  protected function convertValuesForStorage($values) {
750  // filter values according to type
751  foreach($values as $valueName => $value) {
752  $type = $this->getAttribute($valueName)->getType();
753  // integer
754  if (strpos(strtolower($type), 'int') === 0) {
755  $value = (strlen($value) == 0) ? null : intval($value);
756  $values[$valueName] = $value;
757  }
758  // null values
759  if ($value === null) {
760  $values[$valueName] = SQLConst::NULL();
761  }
762  }
763  return $values;
764  }
766  /**
767  * Get the object which carries the sortkey in the relation of the given object
768  * and relative.
769  * @param PersistentObjectProxy $objectProxy
770  * @param PersistentObjectProxy $relativeProxy
771  * @param RelationDescription $relationDesc The relation description
772  * @return PersistentObjectProxy
773  */
774  protected function getSortableObject(PersistentObjectProxy $objectProxy,
775  PersistentObjectProxy $relativeProxy, RelationDescription $relationDesc) {
776  // in a many to many relation, we have to modify the order of the relation objects
777  if ($relationDesc instanceof RDBManyToManyRelationDescription) {
778  $nmObjects = $this->loadRelationObjects($objectProxy, $relativeProxy, $relationDesc);
779  return $nmObjects[0];
780  }
781  return $relativeProxy;
782  }
784  /**
785  * Load the relation objects in a many to many relation from the database.
786  * @param $objectProxy The proxy at this end of the relation.
787  * @param $relativeProxy The proxy at the other end of the relation.
788  * @param $relationDesc The RDBManyToManyRelationDescription instance describing the relation.
789  * @param $includeTransaction Boolean whether to also search in the current transaction (default: false)
790  * @return Array of PersistentObject instances
791  */
792  protected function loadRelationObjects(PersistentObjectProxy $objectProxy,
793  PersistentObjectProxy $relativeProxy, RDBManyToManyRelationDescription $relationDesc,
794  $includeTransaction=false) {
795  $nmMapper = self::getMapper($relationDesc->getThisEndRelation()->getOtherType());
796  $nmType = $nmMapper->getType();
798  $thisId = $objectProxy->getOID()->getFirstId();
799  $otherId = $relativeProxy->getOID()->getFirstId();
800  $thisEndRelation = $relationDesc->getThisEndRelation();
801  $otherEndRelation = $relationDesc->getOtherEndRelation();
802  $thisFkAttr = $nmMapper->getAttribute($thisEndRelation->getFkName());
803  $otherFkAttr = $nmMapper->getAttribute($otherEndRelation->getFkName());
805  $criteria1 = new Criteria($nmType, $thisFkAttr->getName(), "=", $thisId);
806  $criteria2 = new Criteria($nmType, $otherFkAttr->getName(), "=", $otherId);
807  $criteria = [$criteria1, $criteria2];
808  $nmObjects = $nmMapper->loadObjects($nmType, BuildDepth::SINGLE, $criteria);
810  if ($includeTransaction) {
811  $transaction = $this->persistenceFacade->getTransaction();
812  $objects = $transaction->getObjects();
813  foreach ($objects as $object) {
814  if ($object->getType() == $nmType && $object instanceof Node) {
815  // we expect single valued relation ends
816  $thisEndObject = $object->getValue($thisEndRelation->getThisRole());
817  $otherEndObject = $object->getValue($otherEndRelation->getOtherRole());
818  if ($objectProxy->getOID() == $thisEndObject->getOID() &&
819  $relativeProxy->getOID() == $otherEndObject->getOID()) {
820  $nmObjects[] = $object;
821  }
822  }
823  }
824  }
825  return $nmObjects;
826  }
828  /**
829  * @see RDBMapper::createPKCondition()
830  */
831  protected function createPKCondition(ObjectId $oid) {
832  $criterias = [];
833  $type = $this->getType();
834  $pkNames = $this->getPKNames();
835  $ids = $oid->getId();
836  for ($i=0, $count=sizeof($pkNames); $i<$count; $i++) {
837  $pkValue = $ids[$i];
838  $criterias[] = new Criteria($type, $pkNames[$i], "=", $pkValue);
839  }
840  return $criterias;
841  }
843  /**
844  * Get all foreign key relations (used to reference a parent)
845  * @return An array of RDBManyToOneRelationDescription instances
846  */
847  protected function getForeignKeyRelations() {
848  if ($this->fkRelations == null) {
849  $this->fkRelations = [];
850  $relationDescs = $this->getRelations();
851  foreach($relationDescs as $relationDesc) {
852  if ($relationDesc instanceof RDBManyToOneRelationDescription) {
853  $this->fkRelations[] = $relationDesc;
854  }
855  }
856  }
857  return $this->fkRelations;
858  }
860  /**
861  * Check if a given attribute is a foreign key (used to reference a parent)
862  * @param $name The attribute name
863  * @return Boolean
864  * @note Public in order to be callable by ObjectQuery
865  */
866  public function isForeignKey($name) {
867  $fkDescs = $this->getForeignKeyRelations();
868  foreach($fkDescs as $fkDesc) {
869  if ($fkDesc->getFkName() == $name) {
870  return true;
871  }
872  }
873  return false;
874  }
876  /**
877  * Get a unique string for the given parameter values
878  * @param $alias
879  * @param $attributeArray
880  * @param $criteriaArray
881  * @param $orderArray
882  * @param $pagingInfo
883  * @return String
884  */
885  protected function getCacheKey($alias, $attributeArray, $criteriaArray, $orderArray, PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null) {
886  $result = $this->getRealTableName().','.$alias.',';
887  if ($attributeArray != null) {
888  $result .= join(',', $attributeArray);
889  }
890  if ($criteriaArray != null) {
891  foreach ($criteriaArray as $c) {
892  $result .= $c->getId();
893  }
894  }
895  if ($orderArray != null) {
896  $result .= join(',', $orderArray);
897  }
898  if ($pagingInfo != null) {
899  $result .= ','.$pagingInfo->getOffset().','.$pagingInfo->getPageSize();
900  }
901  return $result;
902  }
903 }
904 ?>
DeleteOperation holds data necessary to accomplish an delete operation on the persistent store.
addCriteria(SelectStatement $selectStmt, $criteria, $tableName)
Add the given criteria to the select statement.
AbstractRDBMapper maps objects of one type to a relational database schema.
static isDummyId($id)
Check if a given id is a dummy id.
Definition: ObjectId.php:239
wCMF - wemove Content Management Framework Copyright (C) 2005-2020 wemove digital solutions GmbH
InsertOperation holds data necessary to accomplish an insert operation on the persistent store.
getRelationStatement($thisAttr, $parameters, array $otherObjectProxies, $otherRole, $criteria=null, $orderby=null, PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null)
Get the select statement for a many-to-one or one-to-many relation.
Instances of RDBManyToManyRelationDescription describe a many to many relation from 'this' end to 'ot...
static getMapper($type, $strict=true)
Get the mapper for a Node and optionally check if it is a supported one.
getOneToManyRelationSelectSQL(RelationDescription $relationDescription, array $otherObjectProxies, $otherRole, $criteria=null, $orderby=null, PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null)
Get the statement for selecting a one-to-many relation.
UpdateOperation instances hold data necessary to accomplish an update operation on the persistent sto...
Get the entity type that this mapper handles.
Instances of RDBAttributeDescription describe attributes of PersistentObjects in a relational databas...
Get the object id of the PersistentObject.
Constant expression used in sql statements.
Definition: SQLConst.php:20
getSortableObject(PersistentObjectProxy $objectProxy, PersistentObjectProxy $relativeProxy, RelationDescription $relationDesc)
Get the object which carries the sortkey in the relation of the given object and relative.
Get the RDBOneToManyRelationDescription describing the relation between 'this' end and the connecting...
Get the object id of the PersistentObject.
Instances of RDBManyToOneRelationDescription describe a many to one relation from 'this' end (many) t...
Get the RDBManyToOneRelationDescription describing the relation between the connecting type and the '...
Get the names of the primary key values.
getSelectSQL($criteria=null, $alias=null, $attributes=null, $orderby=null, PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null, $queryId=null)
getManyToManyRelationSelectSQL(RelationDescription $relationDescription, array $otherObjectProxies, $otherRole, $criteria=null, $orderby=null, PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null)
Get the statement for selecting a many-to-many relation.
IllegalArgumentException signals an exception in method arguments.
renderCriteria(Criteria $criteria, $placeholder=null, $tableName=null, $columnName=null)
addReferences(SelectStatement $selectStmt, $tableName)
Add the columns and joins to select references to a given select statement.
Set the state of the object to one of the STATE constants.
Get the PersistenceMapper of the object.
setValue($name, $value, $forceSet=false, $trackChange=true)
Set the value of an attribute if it exists.
Criteria defines a condition on a PersistentObject's attribute used to select specific instances.
Definition: Criteria.php:21
Get the value of an attribute.
Instances of RelationDescription describe relations between different types of PersistentObjects.
getManyToOneRelationSelectSQL(RelationDescription $relationDescription, array $otherObjectProxies, $otherRole, $criteria=null, $orderby=null, PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null)
Get the statement for selecting a many-to-one relation.
ObjectId is the unique identifier of an object.
Definition: ObjectId.php:28
BuildDepth values are used to define the depth when loading object trees.
Definition: BuildDepth.php:19
loadRelationObjects(PersistentObjectProxy $objectProxy, PersistentObjectProxy $relativeProxy, RDBManyToManyRelationDescription $relationDesc, $includeTransaction=false)
Load the relation objects in a many to many relation from the database.
NodeUnifiedRDBMapper maps Node objects to a relational database schema where each Node type has its o...
Instances of ReferenceDescription describe reference attributes of PersistentObjects.
join($name, $on, $columns=self::SQL_STAR, $type=self::JOIN_INNER)
getParameters($criteria, $tableName)
Get an array of placeholder/value pairs.
Get a new id for inserting into the database.
getPersistentValues(PersistentObject $object)
Get an associative array of attribute name-value pairs to be stored for a given oject (references are...
Node adds the concept of relations to PersistentObject.
Definition: Node.php:34
Check if a given attribute is a foreign key (used to reference a parent)
Convert values before putting into storage.
Instances of RDBOneToManyRelationDescription describe a one to many relation from 'this' end (one) to...
getAttributes(array $tags=[], $matchMode='all')
getRelationSelectSQL(array $otherObjectProxies, $otherRole, $criteria=null, $orderby=null, PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null)
PersistentObjectProxy is proxy for an PersistentObject instance.
PagingInfo contains information about a paged list.
Definition: PagingInfo.php:18
PersistentObject defines the interface of all persistent objects.
static isValid($oid)
Check if a serialized ObjectId has a valid syntax, the type is known and if the number of primary key...
Definition: ObjectId.php:123
Get the object's state:
static get(RDBMapper $mapper, $id=self::NO_CACHE)
Get the SelectStatement instance with the given id.
static fromObject($object)
Create a PersistenceProxy instance from a PersistentObject.
addOrderBy(SelectStatement $selectStmt, $orderby, $orderType, $aliasName, $defaultOrder)
Add the given order to the select statement.
Instances of TransientAttributeDescription describe transient attributes of PersistentObjects.
Get all foreign key relations (used to reference a parent)
Implementation of PersistenceMapper::getRelation() including nm classes in many to many relations.
static NULL()
Get the NULL expression.
Definition: SQLConst.php:28
addColumns(SelectStatement $selectStmt, $tableName, $attributes=null)
Add the columns to a given select statement.
getCacheKey($alias, $attributeArray, $criteriaArray, $orderArray, PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null)
Get a unique string for the given parameter values.