1 <?php
2 /**
3  * wCMF - wemove Content Management Framework
4  * Copyright (C) 2005-2020 wemove digital solutions GmbH
5  *
6  * Licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
7  *
8  * See the LICENSE file distributed with this work for
9  * additional information.
10  */
11 namespace wcmf\lib\model\mapper;
16 use Laminas\Db\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
17 use Laminas\Db\Sql\Select;
18 use Laminas\Db\Sql\Sql;
20 /**
21  * Select statement
22  *
23  * @author ingo herwig <>
24  */
25 class SelectStatement extends Select {
27  const NO_CACHE = 'no_cache';
28  const CACHE_KEY = 'select';
30  protected $id = null;
31  protected $type = null;
32  protected $parameters = [];
33  protected $parametersStripped = [];
34  protected $meta = [];
35  protected $cachedSql = [];
37  private $adapter = null;
39  private static $logger = null;
41  /**
42  * Get the SelectStatement instance with the given id.
43  * If the id equals SelectStatement::NO_CACHE or is not cached, a new one will be created.
44  * @param $mapper RDBMapper instance used to retrieve the database adapter
45  * @param $id The statement id (optional, default: _SelectStatement::NO_CACHE_)
46  * @return SelectStatement
47  */
48  public static function get(RDBMapper $mapper, $id=self::NO_CACHE) {
49  $cache = ObjectFactory::getInstance('staticCache');
50  $cacheSection = self::getCacheSection($mapper->getType());
51  $cacheId = self::getCacheId($id);
52  if ($id == self::NO_CACHE || !$cache->exists($cacheSection, $cacheId)) {
53  $selectStmt = new SelectStatement($mapper, $id);
54  }
55  else {
56  $selectStmt = $cache->get($cacheSection, $cacheId);
57  $selectStmt->adapter = $mapper->getAdapter();
58  }
59  return $selectStmt;
60  }
62  /**
63  * Constructor
64  * @param $mapper RDBMapper instance
65  * @param $id The statement id (optional, default: _SelectStatement::NO_CACHE_)
66  */
67  public function __construct(RDBMapper $mapper, $id=self::NO_CACHE) {
68  parent::__construct();
69  $this->id = $id;
70  $this->type = $mapper->getType();
71  $this->adapter = $mapper->getAdapter();
72  if (self::$logger == null) {
73  self::$logger = LogManager::getLogger(__CLASS__);
74  }
75  }
77  /**
78  * Get the query string
79  * @return String
80  */
81  public function __toString() {
82  return $this->getSql();
83  }
85  /**
86  * Get the id of the statement
87  * @return String
88  */
89  public function getId() {
90  return $this->id;
91  }
93  /**
94  * Get the entity type associated with the statement
95  * @return String
96  */
97  public function getType() {
98  return $this->type;
99  }
101  /**
102  * Check if the statement is cached already
103  * @return Boolean
104  */
105  public function isCached() {
106  $cache = ObjectFactory::getInstance('staticCache');
107  return $this->id == self::NO_CACHE ? false :
108  $cache->exists(self::getCacheSection($this->type), self::getCacheId($this->id));
109  }
111  /**
112  * Add custom meta value
113  * @param $key
114  * @param $value
115  */
116  public function setMeta($key, $value) {
117  $this->meta[$key] = $value;
118  }
120  /**
121  * Get custom meta value
122  * @param $key
123  * @return Associative array
124  */
125  public function getMeta($key) {
126  if (isset($this->meta[$key])) {
127  return $this->meta[$key];
128  }
129  return null;
130  }
132  /**
133  * Set the parameter values to replace the placeholders with when doing the select
134  * @param $parameters Associative array with placeholders as keys
135  */
136  public function setParameters($parameters) {
137  $this->parameters = $parameters;
138  // store version with colons stripped
139  $this->parametersStripped = array_combine(array_map(function($name) {
140  return preg_replace('/^:/', '', $name);
141  }, array_keys($this->parameters)), $this->parameters);
142  }
144  /**
145  * Get the select parameters
146  * @param $stripColons Indicates whether to strip the colon character from the parameter name or not (default: false)
147  * @return Array
148  */
149  public function getParameters($stripColons=false) {
150  return $stripColons ? $this->parametersStripped : $this->parameters;
151  }
153  /**
154  * Execute a count query and return the row count
155  * @return Integer
156  */
157  public function getRowCount() {
158  $mapper = ObjectFactory::getInstance('persistenceFacade')->getMapper($this->type);
159  if ($this->table) {
160  $table = !is_array($this->table) ? $this->table : key($this->table);
161  // use pk columns for counting
162  $countColumns = array_map(function($valueName) use ($mapper, $table) {
163  return $mapper->quoteIdentifier($table).'.'.$mapper->quoteIdentifier($mapper->getAttribute($valueName)->getColumn());
164  }, $mapper->getPkNames());
165  }
166  else {
167  // fallback if table is not defined: take first column
168  $adapter = $this->getAdapter();
169  $columns = $this->processSelect($adapter->getPlatform());
170  $countColumns = [$columns[$this->quantifier ? 1 : 0][0][0]];
171  }
173  $countStatement = clone $this;
174  $countStatement->reset(Select::COLUMNS);
175  $countStatement->reset(Select::LIMIT);
176  $countStatement->reset(Select::OFFSET);
177  $countStatement->reset(Select::ORDER);
178  $countStatement->reset(Select::GROUP);
179  // remove all join columns to prevent errors because of missing group by for non aggregated columns (42000 - 1140)
180  $joins = $countStatement->joins->getJoins();
181  $countStatement->reset(Select::JOINS);
182  foreach ($joins as $key => $join) {
183  // re add join without cols
184  $countStatement->join($join["name"], $join["on"], [], $join["type"]);
185  }
187  // create aggregation column
188  $countStatement->columns(['nRows' => new \Laminas\Db\Sql\Expression('COUNT('.$this->quantifier.' '.join(', ', $countColumns).')')]);
190  $countStatement->id = $this->id != self::NO_CACHE ? $this->id.'-count' : self::NO_CACHE;
191  try {
192  $result = $countStatement->query();
193  $row = $result->fetch();
194  // update cache with count query
195  $this->cachedSql = array_merge($this->cachedSql, $countStatement->cachedSql);
196  return $row['nRows'];
197  }
198  catch (\Exception $ex) {
199  self::$logger->error("The query: ".$countStatement->__toString()."\ncaused the following exception:\n".$ex->getMessage());
200  throw new PersistenceException("Error in persistent operation. See log file for details.");
201  }
202  }
204  /**
205  * Put the statement into the cache
206  */
207  public function save() {
208  if ($this->id != self::NO_CACHE) {
209  $cache = ObjectFactory::getInstance('staticCache');
210  $cache->put(self::getCacheSection($this->type), self::getCacheId($this->id), $this);
211  }
212  }
214  /**
215  * @see Select::join()
216  */
217  public function join($name, $on, $columns=self::SQL_STAR, $type=self::JOIN_INNER) {
218  // prevent duplicate joins
219  foreach ($this->joins->getJoins() as $join) {
220  if ($join['name'] == $name) {
221  return $this;
222  }
223  }
224  return parent::join($name, $on, $columns, $type);
225  }
227  /**
228  * Add columns to the statement
229  * @param $columns Array of columns (@see Select::columns())
230  * @param $joinName The name of the join to which the columns belong
231  */
232  public function addColumns(array $columns, $joinName=null) {
233  if ($joinName === null) {
234  // add normal column
235  $this->columns = $this->columns + $columns;
236  }
237  else {
238  // add column to join
239  $joins = [];
240  foreach ($this->joins->getJoins() as $join) {
241  if ($join['name'] == $joinName || in_array($joinName, array_keys($join['name']))) {
242  $join['columns'] += $columns;
243  }
244  $joins[] = $join;
245  }
246  $this->joins->reset();
247  foreach ($joins as $join) {
248  parent::join($join['name'], $join['on'], $join['columns'], $join['type']);
249  }
250  }
251  }
253  /**
254  * Get the alias names for a table name
255  * @param $tables
256  * @return Array
257  */
258  public function getAliasNames($table) {
259  $names = [];
260  if (is_array($this->table) && current($this->table) == $table) {
261  $names[] = key($this->table);
262  }
263  foreach ($this->joins->getJoins() as $join) {
264  $joinName = $join['name'];
265  if (is_array($joinName) && current($joinName) == $table) {
266  $names[] = key($joinName);
267  }
268  }
269  return $names;
270  }
272  /**
273  * Get the sql string for this statement
274  * @return String
275  */
276  public function getSql() {
277  if ($this->id == self::NO_CACHE) {
278  return trim((new Sql($this->getAdapter()))->buildSqlString($this));
279  }
281  $cacheKey = self::getCacheId($this->id);
282  if (!isset($this->cachedSql[$cacheKey])) {
283  $sql = trim((new Sql($this->getAdapter()))->buildSqlString($this));
284  $this->cachedSql[$cacheKey] = $sql;
285  }
286  return $this->cachedSql[$cacheKey];
287  }
289  /**
290  * Execute the statement
291  * @return PDOStatement
292  */
293  public function query() {
294  $adapter = $this->getAdapter();
295  $sql = $this->getSql();
296  // always update offset, since it's most likely not contained in the cache id
297  $sql = preg_replace('/OFFSET\s+[0-9]+/i', 'OFFSET '.$this->getRawState(Select::OFFSET), $sql);
298  $stmt = $adapter->getDriver()->getConnection()->prepare($sql);
299  if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) {
300  self::$logger->debug("Execute statement: ".$sql);
301  self::$logger->debug($this->getParameters(true));
302  }
303  return $stmt->execute($this->getParameters(true))->getResource();
304  }
306  /**
307  * Get the adapter corresponding to the statement's type
308  * @return AdapterInterface
309  */
310  protected function getAdapter() {
311  return $this->adapter;
312  }
314  /**
315  * Get the cache section
316  * @param $type The type
317  * @return String
318  */
319  protected static function getCacheSection($type) {
320  return self::CACHE_KEY.'/'.$type;
321  }
323  /**
324  * Get the compressed cache id from the id
325  * @param $id
326  * @return String
327  */
328  protected static function getCacheId($id) {
329  return hash('sha256', $id);
330  }
332  /**
333  * Serialization handlers
334  */
336  public function __sleep() {
337  return ['id', 'type', 'table', 'meta', 'cachedSql', 'specifications'];
338  }
340  public function __wakeup() {
341  parent::__construct();
342  if (self::$logger == null) {
343  self::$logger = LogManager::getLogger(__CLASS__);
344  }
345  }
346 }
347 ?>
RDBMapper defines the interface for mapper classes that map to relational databases.
Definition: RDBMapper.php:24
Get the select parameters.
Execute a count query and return the row count.
Get the entity type that this mapper handles.
PersistenceException signals an exception in the persistence service.
Add quotation to a given identifier (like column name).
Put the statement into the cache.
Get the names of the primary key values.
setMeta($key, $value)
Add custom meta value.
static getCacheSection($type)
Get the cache section.
Get the sql string for this statement.
static getCacheId($id)
Get the compressed cache id from the id.
addColumns(array $columns, $joinName=null)
Add columns to the statement.
join($name, $on, $columns=self::SQL_STAR, $type=self::JOIN_INNER)
Check if the statement is cached already.
Get the alias names for a table name.
static getLogger($name)
Get the logger with the given name.
Definition: LogManager.php:37
static getInstance($name, $dynamicConfiguration=[])
Get the adapter corresponding to the statement's type.
Set the parameter values to replace the placeholders with when doing the select.
Get the definition for an attribute.
Get the database adapter.
LogManager is used to retrieve Logger instances.
Definition: LogManager.php:20
__construct(RDBMapper $mapper, $id=self::NO_CACHE)
ObjectFactory implements the service locator pattern by wrapping a Factory instance and providing sta...
Get custom meta value.
Get the id of the statement.
Get the entity type associated with the statement.