Response holds the response values that are used as output from Controller instances.
Definition: Response.php:20
Request holds the request values that are used as input to Controller instances.
Definition: Request.php:18
afterSerialize(Response $response)
Definition: GenericFormat.php:80
GenericFormat is used to output arbitrary responses.
Definition: GenericFormat.php:27
Definition: GenericFormat.php:30
deserializeValues(Request $request)
Definition: GenericFormat.php:66
putInCache(Response $response, $payload)
Store the payload of the response in the cache.
Definition: CacheTrait.php:78
getValue($name, $default=null, $validateDesc=null, $suppressException=false)
Get a value.
Format defines the interface for all format classes.
Definition: Format.php:25
Definition: GenericFormat.php:59
serializeValues(Response $response)
Definition: GenericFormat.php:73
getMimeType(Response $response=null)
Definition: GenericFormat.php:45
getFromCache(Response $response)
Load the payload of the response from the cache.
Definition: CacheTrait.php:87
AbstractFormat is used as base class for specialized formats.
Definition: AbstractFormat.php:27
isCached(Response $response)
Check if the response identified by it's cache id is cached for this format.