IndexedSearch Interface Reference

Detailed Description

IndexedSearch implementations are used to search entity objects in a search index.

ingo herwig

Definition at line 23 of file IndexedSearch.php.

+ Inheritance diagram for IndexedSearch:

Public Member Functions

 resetIndex ()
 addToIndex (PersistentObject $obj)
 deleteFromIndex (ObjectId $oid)
 commitIndex ($optimize=true)
 optimizeIndex ()

Member Function Documentation

resetIndex ( )

Reset the search index.

Implemented in LuceneSearch.

addToIndex ( PersistentObject  $obj)

Add/update a PersistentObject instance to/in the search index.

This method modifies the index. For that reason IndexedSearch::commitIndex() should be called afterwards.

$objThe PersistentObject instance.

Implemented in LuceneSearch.

deleteFromIndex ( ObjectId  $oid)

Delete a PersistentObject instance from the search index.

This method modifies the index. For that reason IndexedSearch::commitIndex() should be called afterwards.

$oidThe ObjectId of the PersistentObject instance.

Implemented in LuceneSearch.

commitIndex (   $optimize = true)

Commit changes made on the index.

This method only commits the index if changes were made using the methods mentioned above.
$optimizeBoolean whether the index should be optimized after commit (default: true).

Implemented in LuceneSearch.

optimizeIndex ( )

Optimize the index.

Implemented in LuceneSearch.