1 <?php
2 /**
3  * wCMF - wemove Content Management Framework
4  * Copyright (C) 2005-2015 wemove digital solutions GmbH
5  *
6  * Licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
7  *
8  * See the LICENSE file distributed with this work for
9  * additional information.
10  */
11 namespace wcmf\lib\model;
29 /**
30  * ObjectQuery implements a template based object query. This class provides the
31  * user with object templates on which query conditions may be set. Object templates
32  * are Node instances whose attribute values are used as conditions on the
33  * appropriate attributes. A value maybe a scalar or a Criteria instance. For
34  * example $authorTpl->setValue("name", Criteria::forValue("LIKE", "%ingo%") means searching
35  * for authors whose name contains 'ingo'. If only a scalar is given LIKE '%...%' is assumed.
36  *
37  * A value condition of a template is joined with the preceeding conditions using the combine
38  * operator (Criteria::OPERATOR_AND, Criteria::OPERATOR_OR) given in the Criteria assigned to
39  * the template value.
40  * The set of conditions of a template is preceded by the operator (Criteria::OPERATOR_AND,
41  * Criteria::OPERATOR_OR) given in the ObjectQuery::PROPERTY_COMBINE_OPERATOR property (default:
42  * Criteria::OPERATOR_AND) of the template
43  * (see ObjectQuery::getObjectTemplate()).
44  *
45  * Multiple conditions for one value are built using different object templates of the
46  * same type. Conditions sets of different object templates are grouped with brackets if
47  * they are passed to ObjectQuery::makeGroup().
48  *
49  * @note: If there are two object templates of the same type as the query type linked in
50  * a parent child relation, than the nodes that are selected depend on the attributes of
51  * the first object template that is received by ObjectQuery::getObjectTemplate.
52  *
53  * @note: The query does not search in objects, that are created inside the current transaction.
54  *
55  * The following example shows the usage:
56  *
57  * @code
58  * // The code builds the following query condition:
59  * // WHERE (Author.name LIKE '%ingo%' AND Author.email LIKE '%wemove%') OR (Author.name LIKE '%herwig%') AND
60  * // (Recipe.created >= '2004-01-01') AND (Recipe.created < '2005-01-01') AND ((Recipe.name LIKE '%Salat%') OR (Recipe.portions = 4))
61  *
62  * $query = new ObjectQuery('Author');
63  *
64  * // (Author.name LIKE '%ingo%' AND Author.email LIKE '%wemove%')
65  * $authorTpl1 = $query->getObjectTemplate('Author');
66  * $authorTpl1->setValue("name", "ingo");
67  * $authorTpl1->setValue("email", "LIKE '%wemove%'");
68  *
69  * // OR Author.name LIKE '%herwig%'
70  * $authorTpl2 = $query->getObjectTemplate('Author', null, Criteria::OPERATOR_OR);
71  * $authorTpl2->setValue("name", "herwig");
72  *
73  * // Recipe.created >= '2004-01-01' AND Recipe.created < '2005-01-01'
74  * $recipeTpl1 = $query->getObjectTemplate('Recipe');
75  * $recipeTpl1->setValue("created", ">= '2004-01-01'");
76  * $recipeTpl2 = $query->getObjectTemplate('Recipe');
77  * $recipeTpl2->setValue("created", "< '2005-01-01'");
78  *
79  * // AND (Recipe.name LIKE '%Salat%' OR Recipe.portions = 4)
80  * // could have be built using one template, but this demonstrates the usage
81  * // of the ObjectQuery::makeGroup() method
82  * $recipeTpl3 = $query->getObjectTemplate('Recipe');
83  * $recipeTpl3->setValue("name", "Salat");
84  * $recipeTpl4 = $query->getObjectTemplate('Recipe', null, Criteria::OPERATOR_OR);
85  * $recipeTpl4->setValue("portions", "= 4");
86  * $query->makeGroup(array($recipeTpl3, $recipeTpl4), Criteria::OPERATOR_AND);
87  *
88  * $authorTpl1->addNode($recipeTpl1, 'Recipe');
89  * $authorTpl1->addNode($recipeTpl2, 'Recipe');
90  * $authorTpl1->addNode($recipeTpl3, 'Recipe');
91  * $authorTpl1->addNode($recipeTpl4, 'Recipe');
92  * $authorList = $query->execute(BuildDepth::SINGLE);
93  * @endcode
94  *
95  * @note There are some limitations when using this class:
96  * - This class works only with Nodes as PersistentObjects
97  * - This class only works for Nodes mapped by RDBMapper subclasses.
98  * - All objects have to reside in the same datastore (the connection is taken from the first mapper)
99  * - Since the query values are set together with the operator in a single string,
100  * they must be converted to data store format already
101  *
102  * @author ingo herwig <ingo@wemove.com>
103  */
104 class ObjectQuery extends AbstractQuery {
106  const PROPERTY_COMBINE_OPERATOR = "object_query_combine_operator";
107  const PROPERTY_TABLE_NAME = "object_query_table_name";
108  const PROPERTY_INITIAL_OID = "object_query_initial_oid";
110  private $_id = '';
111  private $_typeNode = null;
112  private $_isTypeNodeInQuery = false;
113  private $_rootNodes = array();
114  private $_conditions = array();
115  private $_groups = array();
116  private $_groupedOIDs = array();
117  private $_processedNodes = array();
118  private $_involvedTypes = array();
119  private $_aliasCounter = 1;
120  private $_observedObjects = array();
121  private $_bindOrder = array();
123  /**
124  * Constructor.
125  * @param $type The type to search for
126  * @param $queryId Identifier for the query cache (maybe null to prevent caching) (default: _null_)
127  */
128  public function __construct($type, $queryId=SelectStatement::NO_CACHE) {
129  // don't use PersistenceFacade::create, because template instances must be transient
130  $mapper = $this->getMapper($type);
131  $this->_typeNode = $mapper->create($type, BuildDepth::SINGLE);
132  $this->_rootNodes[] = $this->_typeNode;
133  $this->_id = $queryId == null ? SelectStatement::NO_CACHE : $queryId;
134  ObjectFactory::getInstance('eventManager')->addListener(ValueChangeEvent::NAME,
135  array($this, 'valueChanged'));
136  }
138  /**
139  * Desctructor.
140  */
141  public function __destruct() {
142  ObjectFactory::getInstance('eventManager')->removeListener(ValueChangeEvent::NAME,
143  array($this, 'valueChanged'));
144  }
146  /**
147  * Get the query id
148  * @return String
149  */
150  public function getId() {
151  return $this->_id;
152  }
154  /**
155  * Get an object template for a given type.
156  * @param $type The type to query for
157  * @param $alias An alias name to be used in the query. if null, use the default name (default: _null_)
158  * @param $combineOperator One of the Criteria::OPERATOR constants that precedes
159  * the conditions described in the template (default: _Criteria::OPERATOR_AND_)
160  * @return Node
161  */
162  public function getObjectTemplate($type, $alias=null, $combineOperator=Criteria::OPERATOR_AND) {
163  $template = null;
165  // use the typeNode, the first time a node template of the query type is requested
166  $persistenceFacade = ObjectFactory::getInstance('persistenceFacade');
167  $fqType = $persistenceFacade->getFullyQualifiedType($type);
168  if ($fqType == $this->_typeNode->getType() && !$this->_isTypeNodeInQuery) {
169  $template = $this->_typeNode;
170  $this->_isTypeNodeInQuery = true;
171  // the typeNode is contained already in the rootNodes array
172  }
173  else {
174  // don't use PersistenceFacade::create, because template instances must be transient
175  $mapper = $this->getMapper($fqType);
176  $template = $mapper->create($fqType, BuildDepth::SINGLE);
177  $this->_rootNodes[] = $template;
178  }
179  $template->setProperty(self::PROPERTY_COMBINE_OPERATOR, $combineOperator);
180  if ($alias != null) {
181  $template->setProperty(self::PROPERTY_TABLE_NAME, $alias);
182  }
183  $initialOid = $template->getOID()->__toString();
184  $template->setProperty(self::PROPERTY_INITIAL_OID, $initialOid);
185  $this->_observedObjects[$initialOid] = $template;
186  return $template;
187  }
189  /**
190  * Register an object template at the query.
191  * @param $template A reference to the template to register (must be an instance of PersistentObject)
192  * @param $alias An alias name to be used in the query. if null, use the default name (default: _null_)
193  * @param $combineOperator One of the Criteria::OPERATOR constants that precedes
194  * the conditions described in the template (default: Criteria::OPERATOR_AND)
195  */
196  public function registerObjectTemplate(Node $template, $alias=null, $combineOperator=Criteria::OPERATOR_AND) {
197  if ($template != null) {
198  $initialOid = $template->getOID()->__toString();
199  $template->setProperty(self::PROPERTY_INITIAL_OID, $initialOid);
200  $this->_observedObjects[$initialOid] = $template;
202  // call the setters for all attributes in order to register them in the query
203  $template->copyValues($template);
205  $template->setProperty(self::PROPERTY_COMBINE_OPERATOR, $combineOperator);
206  if ($alias != null) {
207  $template->setProperty(self::PROPERTY_TABLE_NAME, $alias);
208  }
210  // replace the typeNode, the first time a node template of the query type is registered
211  if ($template->getType() == $this->_typeNode->getType() && !$this->_isTypeNodeInQuery) {
212  $newRootNodes = array($template);
213  foreach($this->_rootNodes as $node) {
214  if ($node != $this->_typeNode) {
215  $newRootNodes[] = $node;
216  }
217  }
218  $this->_rootNodes = $newRootNodes;
219  $this->_isTypeNodeInQuery = true;
220  }
221  else {
222  $this->_rootNodes[] = $template;
223  }
224  }
225  }
227  /**
228  * Group different templates together to realize brackets in the query.
229  * @note Grouped templates will be ignored, when iterating over the object tree and appended at the end.
230  * @param $templates An array of references to the templates contained in the group
231  * @param $combineOperator One of the Criteria::OPERATOR constants that precedes the group (default: _Criteria::OPERATOR_AND_)
232  */
233  public function makeGroup($templates, $combineOperator=Criteria::OPERATOR_AND) {
234  $this->_groups[] = array('tpls' => $templates, self::PROPERTY_COMBINE_OPERATOR => $combineOperator);
235  // store grouped nodes in an extra array to separate them from the others
236  for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($templates); $i++) {
237  if ($templates[$i] != null) {
238  $this->_groupedOIDs[] = $templates[$i]->getOID();
239  }
240  else {
241  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null value found in group");
242  }
243  }
244  }
246  /**
247  * Get the condition part of the query. This is especially useful to
248  * build a StringQuery from the query objects.
249  * @return String
250  */
251  public function getQueryCondition() {
252  $query = $this->getQueryString();
253  $tmp = preg_split("/ WHERE /i", $query);
254  if (sizeof($tmp) > 1) {
255  $tmp = preg_split("/ ORDER /i", $tmp[1]);
256  return $tmp[0];
257  }
258  return '';
259  }
261  /**
262  * @see AbstractQuery::getQueryType()
263  */
264  protected function getQueryType() {
265  return $this->_typeNode->getType();
266  }
268  /**
269  * @see AbstractQuery::buildQuery()
270  */
271  protected function buildQuery($orderby=null, PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null) {
272  $type = $this->_typeNode->getType();
273  $mapper = self::getMapper($type);
274  $this->_involvedTypes[$type] = true;
276  // create the attribute string (use the default select from the mapper,
277  // since we are only interested in the attributes)
278  $tableName = self::processTableName($this->_typeNode);
279  $selectStmt = $mapper->getSelectSQL(null, $tableName['alias'], array(), $pagingInfo, $this->getId());
280  if (!$selectStmt->isCached()) {
281  // initialize the statement
282  $selectStmt->distinct(true);
284  // process all root nodes except for grouped nodes
285  foreach ($this->_rootNodes as $curNode) {
286  if (!in_array($curNode->getOID(), $this->_groupedOIDs)) {
287  $this->processObjectTemplate($curNode, $selectStmt);
288  }
289  }
291  // process groups
292  for ($i=0, $countI=sizeof($this->_groups); $i<$countI; $i++) {
293  $group = $this->_groups[$i];
294  $tmpSelectStmt = SelectStatement::get($mapper, $this->getId().'_g'.$i);
295  $tmpSelectStmt->from($this->_typeNode->getProperty(self::PROPERTY_TABLE_NAME));
296  for ($j=0, $countJ=sizeof($group['tpls']); $j<$countJ; $j++) {
297  $tpl = $group['tpls'][$j];
298  $this->processObjectTemplate($tpl, $tmpSelectStmt);
299  }
300  $condition = '';
301  $wherePart = $tmpSelectStmt->getPart(SelectStatement::WHERE);
302  foreach($wherePart as $where) {
303  $condition .= " ".$where;
304  }
305  $condition = trim($condition);
306  if (strlen($condition) > 0) {
307  $combineOperator = $group[self::PROPERTY_COMBINE_OPERATOR];
308  if ($combineOperator == Criteria::OPERATOR_OR) {
309  $selectStmt->orWhere($condition);
310  }
311  else {
312  $selectStmt->where($condition);
313  }
314  }
315  }
317  // set orderby after all involved tables are known in order to
318  // prefix the correct table name
319  $this->processOrderBy($orderby, $selectStmt);
321  // set bind order to be reused next time
322  $selectStmt->setMeta('bindOrder', $this->_bindOrder);
323  }
325  // set parameters
326  $selectStmt->bind($this->getBind($this->_conditions, $selectStmt->getMeta('bindOrder')));
328  // reset internal variables
329  $this->resetInternals();
331  return $selectStmt;
332  }
334  /**
335  * Process an object template
336  * @param $tpl The object template
337  * @param $selectStmt A SelectStatement instance
338  */
339  protected function processObjectTemplate(PersistentObject $tpl, SelectStatement $selectStmt) {
340  // avoid infinite recursion
341  $oidStr = $tpl->getOID()->__toString();
342  if (isset($this->_processedNodes[$oidStr])) {
343  return;
344  }
346  $mapper = self::getMapper($tpl->getType());
347  $tableName = self::processTableName($tpl);
348  $this->_involvedTypes[$tpl->getType()] = true;
350  // add condition
351  $condition = '';
352  $iter = new NodeValueIterator($tpl, false);
353  foreach($iter as $valueName => $value) {
354  // check if the value was set when building the query
355  if (isset($this->_conditions[$oidStr][$valueName])) {
356  $criterion = $this->_conditions[$oidStr][$valueName];
357  if ($criterion instanceof Criteria) {
358  $attributeDesc = $mapper->getAttribute($valueName);
359  if ($attributeDesc) {
360  // add the combine operator, if there are already other conditions
361  if (strlen($condition) > 0) {
362  $condition .= ' '.$criterion->getCombineOperator().' ';
363  }
364  // because the attributes are not selected with alias, the column name has to be used
365  $condition .= $mapper->renderCriteria($criterion, '?',
366  $tpl->getProperty(self::PROPERTY_TABLE_NAME), $attributeDesc->getColumn());
367  $this->_bindOrder[] = $this->getBindPosition($criterion, $this->_conditions);
368  }
369  }
370  }
371  }
372  if (strlen($condition) > 0) {
373  $combineOperator = $tpl->getProperty(self::PROPERTY_COMBINE_OPERATOR);
374  if ($combineOperator == Criteria::OPERATOR_OR) {
375  $selectStmt->orWhere($condition);
376  }
377  else {
378  $selectStmt->where($condition);
379  }
380  }
382  // register the node as processed
383  $this->_processedNodes[$oidStr] = $tpl;
385  // add relations to children (this includes also many to many relations)
386  // and process children
387  foreach ($mapper->getRelations() as $relationDescription) {
388  $children = $tpl->getValue($relationDescription->getOtherRole());
389  if ($children != null && !is_array($children)) {
390  $children = array($children);
391  }
392  for($i=0, $count=sizeof($children); $i<$count; $i++) {
393  $curChild = $children[$i];
394  if ($curChild instanceof Node) {
395  // process relations
397  // don't process the relation twice (e.g. in a many to many relation, both
398  // ends are child ends)
399  if (!isset($this->_processedNodes[$curChild->getOID()->__toString()])) {
400  // don't join the tables twice
401  $childTableName = self::processTableName($curChild);
402  $fromPart = $selectStmt->getPart(SelectStatement::FROM);
403  if (!isset($fromPart[$childTableName['alias']])) {
404  $childMapper = self::getMapper($curChild->getType());
405  if ($relationDescription instanceof RDBManyToOneRelationDescription) {
406  $idAttr = $childMapper->getAttribute($relationDescription->getIdName());
407  $fkAttr = $mapper->getAttribute($relationDescription->getFkName());
408  $joinCondition = $mapper->quoteIdentifier($tpl->getProperty(self::PROPERTY_TABLE_NAME)).'.'.
409  $mapper->quoteIdentifier($fkAttr->getColumn()).' = '.
410  $childMapper->quoteIdentifier($curChild->getProperty(self::PROPERTY_TABLE_NAME)).'.'.
411  $childMapper->quoteIdentifier($idAttr->getColumn());
413  $selectStmt->join(array($childTableName['alias'] => $childTableName['name']), $joinCondition, '');
414  }
415  elseif ($relationDescription instanceof RDBOneToManyRelationDescription) {
416  $idAttr = $mapper->getAttribute($relationDescription->getIdName());
417  $fkAttr = $childMapper->getAttribute($relationDescription->getFkName());
418  $joinCondition = $childMapper->quoteIdentifier($curChild->getProperty(self::PROPERTY_TABLE_NAME)).'.'.
419  $childMapper->quoteIdentifier($fkAttr->getColumn()).' = '.
420  $mapper->quoteIdentifier($tpl->getProperty(self::PROPERTY_TABLE_NAME)).'.'.
421  $mapper->quoteIdentifier($idAttr->getColumn());
423  $selectStmt->join(array($childTableName['alias'] => $childTableName['name']), $joinCondition, '');
424  }
425  elseif ($relationDescription instanceof RDBManyToManyRelationDescription) {
426  $thisRelationDescription = $relationDescription->getThisEndRelation();
427  $otherRelationDescription = $relationDescription->getOtherEndRelation();
429  $nmMapper = self::getMapper($thisRelationDescription->getOtherType());
430  $otherFkAttr = $nmMapper->getAttribute($otherRelationDescription->getFkName());
431  $otherIdAttr = $childMapper->getAttribute($otherRelationDescription->getIdName());
432  $thisFkAttr = $nmMapper->getAttribute($thisRelationDescription->getFkName());
433  $thisIdAttr = $mapper->getAttribute($thisRelationDescription->getIdName());
435  $joinCondition1 = $nmMapper->quoteIdentifier($nmMapper->getRealTableName()).'.'.
436  $nmMapper->quoteIdentifier($thisFkAttr->getColumn()).' = '.
437  $mapper->quoteIdentifier($tpl->getProperty(self::PROPERTY_TABLE_NAME)).'.'.
438  $mapper->quoteIdentifier($thisIdAttr->getColumn());
439  $joinCondition2 = $childMapper->quoteIdentifier($curChild->getProperty(self::PROPERTY_TABLE_NAME)).'.'.
440  $childMapper->quoteIdentifier($otherIdAttr->getColumn()).' = '.
441  $nmMapper->quoteIdentifier($nmMapper->getRealTableName()).'.'.
442  $nmMapper->quoteIdentifier($otherFkAttr->getColumn());
444  $selectStmt->join($nmMapper->getRealTableName(), $joinCondition1, '');
445  $selectStmt->join(array($childTableName['alias'] => $childTableName['name']), $joinCondition2, '');
447  // register the nm type
448  $this->_involvedTypes[$nmMapper->getType()] = true;
449  }
450  }
451  }
453  // process child
454  if (!in_array($curChild->getOID(), $this->_groupedOIDs)) {
455  $this->processObjectTemplate($curChild, $selectStmt);
456  }
457  }
458  }
459  }
460  }
462  /**
463  * Process an object template
464  * @param $orderby An array holding names of attributes to order by, maybe appended with 'ASC', 'DESC' (maybe null)
465  * @param $selectStmt A SelectStatement instance
466  */
467  protected function processOrderBy($orderby, SelectStatement $selectStmt) {
468  if ($orderby) {
469  $ok = false;
471  // reset current order by
472  $selectStmt->reset(SelectStatement::ORDER);
474  $persistenceFacade = ObjectFactory::getInstance('persistenceFacade');
475  foreach ($orderby as $curOrderBy) {
476  $orderByParts = preg_split('/ /', $curOrderBy);
477  $orderAttribute = $orderByParts[0];
478  $orderDirection = sizeof($orderByParts) > 1 ? $orderByParts[1] : 'ASC';
479  $orderType = null;
481  if (strpos($orderAttribute, '.') > 0) {
482  // the type is included in the attribute
483  $orderAttributeParts = preg_split('/\./', $orderAttribute);
484  $orderAttribute = array_pop($orderAttributeParts);
485  $orderType = join('.', $orderAttributeParts);
486  $orderTypeMapper = $persistenceFacade->getMapper($orderType);
487  }
488  else {
489  // check all involved types
490  foreach (array_keys($this->_involvedTypes) as $curType) {
491  $mapper = $persistenceFacade->getMapper($curType);
492  if ($mapper->hasAttribute($orderAttribute)) {
493  $orderTypeMapper = $mapper;
494  break;
495  }
496  }
497  }
498  if ($orderTypeMapper) {
499  $orderTableName = $orderTypeMapper->getRealTableName();
500  $orderAttributeDesc = $orderTypeMapper->getAttribute($orderAttribute);
501  $orderColumnName = $orderAttributeDesc->getColumn();
503  if ($orderTableName) {
504  $orderAttributeFinal = $orderTableName.'.'.$orderColumnName;
505  $selectStmt->order(array($orderAttributeFinal.' '.$orderDirection));
506  $ok = true;
507  }
508  }
509  }
510  if (!$ok) {
511  throw new UnknownFieldException($orderAttribute, "The sort field name '"+$orderAttribute+"' is unknown");
512  }
513  }
514  }
516  /**
517  * Get an array of values for bind
518  * @param $criteria An array of Criteria instances that define conditions on the object's attributes (maybe null)
519  * @param $bindOrder Array defining the order in which the conditions should be bind
520  * @return Array
521  */
522  protected function getBind($criteria, array $bindOrder) {
523  $bind = array();
524  // flatten conditions
525  $criteriaFlat = array();
526  $persistenceFacade = ObjectFactory::getInstance('persistenceFacade');
527  foreach ($criteria as $key => $curCriteria) {
528  foreach ($curCriteria as $criterion) {
529  if ($criterion instanceof Criteria) {
530  $mapper = $persistenceFacade->getMapper($criterion->getType());
531  $valueName = $criterion->getAttribute();
532  $attributeDesc = $mapper->getAttribute($valueName);
533  if ($attributeDesc) {
534  $criteriaFlat[] = $criterion;
535  }
536  }
537  }
538  }
539  // get bind values in order
540  foreach ($bindOrder as $index) {
541  $bind[] = $criteriaFlat[$index]->getValue();
542  }
543  return $bind;
544  }
546  protected function getBindPosition($criterion, $criteria) {
547  $i=0;
548  foreach ($criteria as $key => $curCriteria) {
549  foreach ($curCriteria as $curCriterion) {
550  if ($curCriterion instanceof Criteria) {
551  if ($curCriterion->__toString() === $criterion->__toString()) {
552  return $i;
553  }
554  $i++;
555  }
556  }
557  }
558  }
560  /**
561  * Reset internal variables. Must be called after buildQuery
562  */
563  protected function resetInternals() {
564  $this->_processedNodes = array();
565  $this->_bindOrder = array();
566  $this->_involvedTypes = array();
567  $this->_aliasCounter = 1;
568  }
570  /**
571  * Get the table name for the template and calculate an alias if
572  * necessary.
573  * @param $tpl The object template
574  * @return Associative array with keys 'name', 'alias'
575  */
576  protected function processTableName(Node $tpl) {
577  $mapper = self::getMapper($tpl->getType());
578  $mapperTableName = $mapper->getRealTableName();
580  $tableName = $tpl->getProperty(self::PROPERTY_TABLE_NAME);
581  if ($tableName == null) {
582  $tableName = $mapperTableName;
584  // if the template is the child of another node of the same type,
585  // we must use a table alias
586  $parents = $tpl->getParentsEx(null, null, $tpl->getType());
587  foreach ($parents as $curParent) {
588  $curParentTableName = $curParent->getProperty(self::PROPERTY_TABLE_NAME);
589  if ($curParentTableName == $tableName) {
590  $tableName .= '_'.($this->_aliasCounter++);
591  }
592  }
593  // set the table name for later reference
594  $tpl->setProperty(self::PROPERTY_TABLE_NAME, $tableName);
595  }
597  return array('name' => $mapperTableName, 'alias' => $tableName);
598  }
600  /**
601  * Listen to ValueChangeEvents
602  * @param $event ValueChangeEvent instance
603  */
604  public function valueChanged(ValueChangeEvent $event) {
605  $object = $event->getObject();
606  $name = $event->getValueName();
607  $initialOid = $object->getProperty(self::PROPERTY_INITIAL_OID);
608  if (isset($this->_observedObjects[$initialOid])) {
609  $newValue = $event->getNewValue();
610  // make a criteria from newValue and make sure that all properties are set
611  if (!($newValue instanceof Criteria)) {
612  // LIKE fallback, if the value is not a Criteria instance
613  $mapper = self::getMapper($object->getType());
614  $pkNames = $mapper->getPkNames();
615  if (!in_array($name, $pkNames)) {
616  // use like condition on any attribute, if it's a string
617  // other value changes will be ignored!
618  if (is_string($newValue)) {
619  $newValue = new Criteria($object->getType(), $name, 'LIKE', '%'.$newValue.'%');
620  }
621  }
622  else {
623  // don't search for pk names with LIKE
624  $newValue = new Criteria($object->getType(), $name, '=', $newValue);
625  }
626  }
627  else {
628  // make sure that type and name are set even if the Criteria is constructed
629  // via Criteria::forValue()
630  $newValue->setType($object->getType());
631  $newValue->setAttribute($name);
632  }
634  $oid = $object->getOID()->__toString();
635  // store change in internal array to have it when constructing the query
636  if (!isset($this->_conditions[$oid])) {
637  $this->_conditions[$oid] = array();
638  }
639  $this->_conditions[$oid][$name] = $newValue;
640  }
641  }
642 }
643 ?>
Get the type of the object.
Reset internal variables.
Node related interfaces and classes.
Definition: namespaces.php:26
getParentsEx(ObjectId $oid=null, $role=null, $type=null, $values=null, $properties=null, $useRegExp=true)
Get the parents that match given conditions.
Definition: Node.php:631
Get the object id of the PersistentObject.
Get the object whose value has changed.
makeGroup($templates, $combineOperator=Criteria::OPERATOR_AND)
Group different templates together to realize brackets in the query.
processTableName(Node $tpl)
Get the table name for the template and calculate an alias if necessary.
Get the name of the value that has changed.
IllegalArgumentException signals an exception in method arguments.
copyValues(PersistentObject $object, $copyPkValues=true)
NodeValueIterator is used to iterate over all persistent values of a Node (not including relations)...
Get the query serialized to a string.
ObjectQuery implements a template based object query.
Get the value of a named property in the object.
UnknownFieldException signals an exception in a message.
static get(RDBMapper $mapper, $id=self::NO_CACHE)
Get the SelectStatement instance with the given id.
ValueChangeEvent signals a change of a value of a PersistentObject instance.
Get the query id.
processOrderBy($orderby, SelectStatement $selectStmt)
Process an object template.
Criteria defines a condition on a PersistentObject's attribute used to select specific instances...
Definition: Criteria.php:21
__construct($type, $queryId=SelectStatement::NO_CACHE)
static getInstance($name, $dynamicConfiguration=array())
PagingInfo contains information about a paged list.
Definition: PagingInfo.php:18
processObjectTemplate(PersistentObject $tpl, SelectStatement $selectStmt)
Process an object template.
getObjectTemplate($type, $alias=null, $combineOperator=Criteria::OPERATOR_AND)
Get an object template for a given type.
getBindPosition($criterion, $criteria)
Instances of RDBManyToOneRelationDescription describe a many to one relation from 'this' end (many) t...
Get the condition part of the query.
registerObjectTemplate(Node $template, $alias=null, $combineOperator=Criteria::OPERATOR_AND)
Register an object template at the query.
Get the value of a named item.
getBind($criteria, array $bindOrder)
Get an array of values for bind.
Instances of RDBManyToManyRelationDescription describe a many to many relation from 'this' end to 'ot...
static getMapper($type)
Get the mapper for a Node and check if it is a supported one.
buildQuery($orderby=null, PagingInfo $pagingInfo=null)
AbstractQuery is the base class for all query classes.
Instances of RDBOneToManyRelationDescription describe a one to many relation from 'this' end (one) to...
valueChanged(ValueChangeEvent $event)
Listen to ValueChangeEvents.
Node adds the concept of relations to PersistentObject.
Definition: Node.php:34
PersistentObject defines the interface of all persistent objects.